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ACCORD: Upgrading research capacity, facilities at two top Slovak universities

  • 17 December 2019

The ACCORD project will upgrade and build infrastructure, as well as improve study programmes at two of Slovakia’s leading universities: the Slovak University of Technology (STU) and the Comenius University in Bratislava (UK). The aim is to make them more competitive nationally and globally in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by attracting talented students and researchers.

In addition, the project is intended to increase research collaboration between the two institutions and strengthen cooperation between academia and industry, with a focus on biotechnology, biomedicine, advanced materials and ICT. Joint research areas were identified during talks with research and industry partners. New study programmes will be developed in collaboration with industry.

By investing in modern facilities and innovative, interdisciplinary research, the project aims to significantly contribute to the increase in the number of patent applications lodged in the Bratislava region from 16 in 2016 to 63 in 2023 (22 patent applications).

Outdated facilities

Implementation of the project has become vital because deteriorating infrastructure and outdated equipment have resulted in declining student enrolment and poor research outcomes. More competition (in particular from the neighbouring Czechia) for top-quality students and a lack of skilled staff have added to the institutions’ woes.

Buildings have to be upgraded to bring them in line with national health and safety standards, and to make them more energy efficient. Energy inefficient buildings are a burden on the environment and the universities’ finances, along with unplanned and ad-hoc maintenance, which can disrupt teaching and learning.

At present, a poor organisation of the available space is a barrier to effective learning and research. The project will ensure the facilities are better organised, made more functional and equipped with modern information and communication technologies.

The lack of equipment has negatively affected the two universities’ research output and ability to attract students and teaching staff. Much of the equipment being used in laboratories dates back to the 1990s and is becoming difficult and costly to maintain. The labour market in the region, as well as in Europe and globally, needs graduates able to use modern research equipment.

Marketing strategy

Well-equipped and modern facilities are useless without skilled staff. As a result, the project has developed a 10-year marketing strategy to ensure STU and UK attract talented researchers from the region and the EU. An ACCORD HR policy will ensure there are benefits in place to retain scientific staff.

Students’ demand for places at STU and UK has been prudently quantified to address the possibility that the universities may not reach the desired enrolment numbers. Surveys were conducted to determine what would motivate secondary school leavers to study at the two institutions. Lastly, the marketing strategy will involve promoting study in STEM fields in secondary schools.


Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Advancing University Capacity and Competence in Research, Development and Innovation (ACCORD)” is EUR 120 040 000, with the EU’s Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 105 721 192 through the “Research and Innovation” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Research and Innovation Infrastructure”.