


The INTERREG EUROPE interregional cooperation programme covers all EU Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland, under the European Territorial Cooperation goal co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It follows on from the INTERREG IVC programme. Its main goal is to improve regional development policies through exchanges of experiences and good practice. It also aims to capitalise on regional know-how and good practices already identified at the European level.

The INTERREG EUROPE programme provides co-financing for regional and local institutions, such as public administrations, regional development agencies, educational institutions and others, to create networks and exchange experiences on different themes, thus generating good regional practice at the European level. Some more experienced networks aim to use previously identified good practices in order to impact positively on their region's immediate development in the given field (capitalisation). INTERREG EUROPE focuses on four topics:

  • Research, technological development and innovation
  • Competitiveness of SMEs
  • Low carbon economy
  • Environment and resource efficiency.

Cooperation projects are opportunities for organisations from different countries to work together for 3 to 5 years and exchange good practices on particular policy issues. Policy learning platforms are spaces for continuous learning which organisations dealing with regional development in Europe can access.

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Interreg, Interreg IVc, Interreg Europe, best practice, exchange of experience