
Information and publicity


The European Commission and the EU Member States must keep the public informed about cohesion policy and the funded projects that it supports. With billions of euros being spent through the Funds, it is vital that local communities receive clear details of how they are to benefit and how EU taxpayers' money is being spent.

The Common provision regulation (CPR) for 2021-2027 formally requires Member States and managing authorities to to ensure the visibility in all activities relating to operations supported by the Funds and to establish a single website portal providing citizens with access to information on all programmes, including the up-to-date list of operations and of information of upcoming calls for proposals.

Each programme has to include the foreseen approach to communication with objectives, target audiences, channels, budget and indicators. The implementation of communication and visibility actions is examined by the monitoring committee, together with operations of strategic importance.

The CPR 2021-2027 also clearly lists visibility obligations for beneficiaries of support from the Funds with corresponding financial corrections in case of failure in compliance with these rules.

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Information about cohesion policy, information about structural funds, communicating about cohesion policy, communication plan, publicity, transparency