


As well as being part of general efforts to combat organised crime, the fight against fraud and corruption also involves countering illegal activities adversely affecting the financial interests of the European Union (EU). It rests on two legal bases:

• Articles 67, 82 and 87 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in the field of police and judicial cooperation on criminal matters

• Articles 310, 324 and 325 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which concerns activities affecting the EU's financial interests

The financial interests of the EU are protected by a series of anti-fraud regulations, as well as by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), an independent body tasked with combating fraud since June 1999. OLAF is responsible for conducting administrative anti-fraud investigations in close cooperation with the legal and administrative authorities of the Member States, including investigation services and the police.

The EU Funds Anti-Fraud Knowledge & Resource Centre provides Member States’ authorities and anti-fraud practitioners with new tools and materials that will make it easier for them to prevent, detect, report and prosecute fraud and corruption in relation to EU funds.

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Fraud, OLAF, European Anti-Fraud Office, Fraud in cohesion policy, corruption in cohesion policy