
European Code of Conduct on Partnership

Quadro de Conteúdos

In the 2021-2027 programming period, the partnership principle is strengthened by including the possibility to allocate an appropriate percentage of resources coming from the Funds for the administrative capacity building of social partners and civil society organisations, and underpinning the role of the Code of conduct on partnership in all stages of programming and implementation.

The organisation and implementation of partnership shall be carried out in accordance with the European code of conduct on partnership to make this process as fair and transparent as possible.

In particular, Member States are required to:

• Be transparent in the selection of partners

• Provide sufficient information to partners and give them sufficient time to make their voice heard in the consultation process

• Ensure that partners are involved in all stages of the process, from planning to evaluation

• Support capacity building of partners

• Create platforms for mutual learning and exchange of good practice.

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code of conduct, partnership, regulation, partners, consultation