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Targeted Support

Targeted Support Assignments offer regions the opportunity to address their specific needs in an individualised way.


Targeted support activities are based on the principles of co-design and collaboration between DG REGIO, the beneficiary region, the S3 CoP Secretariat, and the designated expert.

The aim is to support regions and Member States with the fulfilment criteria and successful implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3), with a particular focus on less developed EU regions and EU regions with specific challenges, including demographic, geographic, green, digital or being stuck in a development trap. In practice, the S3 CoP Secretariat will offer Targeted Assignments to EU regions that express interest in overcoming any challenges they may face during the development or execution of their Smart Specialisation Strategies.

EU regional authorities can request a Targeted Assignment to respond to the specific S3 needs and priorities in their regions.

The targeted assignments are demand-led: the processes are designed to support regions, helping them articulate their specific needs and devise targeted solutions to address them. We are delivering already 18 assignments and the second run for applications is open.

Targeted Support

The EoI for regions to apply for a Targeted Assignment is continuously open, with regular assessment of applications.

The targeted assignments will be demand-led: the processes are designed to support regions, helping them articulate their specific needs and devise targeted solutions to address them.
The EoI for regions to apply for a Targeted Assignment is continuously open, with regular assessment of applications every three months. After each cut-off date, all applications will be carefully evaluated, and all applicants will be duly informed about the final decision on the provision of Targeted Assignment.

    Tentative and non-exhaustive examples of targeted-support assignments include:

  • Support to Entrepreneurial Discovery Process
  • Analysis, based on action-research principles, of the available policy instruments
  • Foresight scenario development in a particular value chain
  • Integration of higher education and vocational education in the S3 process
  • Support to the development of synergies with national instruments in a specific priority area
  • Support to the integration of clusters in Smart Specialisation

If you are interested in being an expert for future targeted assignments please register at our Expression of Interest.

The European Commission supports regions and Member States with the fulfilment criteria and successful implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) through the newly launched S3 Community of Practice (S3 CoP).

The S3 CoP Secretariat offers Targeted Support to interested EU regions with the aim of addressing the needs which arise when setting up or implementing Smart Specialisation Strategies. The S3 CoP Secretariat will provide a Targeted Assignment, on the topic or issue identified by the regions, with a special attention to the needs of less developed EU regions and EU regions with specific challenges, including demographic, geographic, green, digital or being stuck in a development trap.

The Targeted Assignment will be co-designed in collaboration between DG REGIO, the S3 CoP Secretariat, the beneficiary region, and the expert assigned. The relevant expert will be selected from the ad-hoc Expert Database, constructed by the S3 CoP Secretariat.

The EoI for regions to apply for a Targeted Assignment is continuously open, with regular assessment of applications.

For more information on current assignments, see here.

The EoI for regions to apply for a Targeted Assignment is continuously open, with regular assessment of applications every three months. After each cut-off date, all applications will be carefully evaluated, and all applicants will be duly informed about the final decision on the provision of Targeted Assignment.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the S3 CoP Secretariat: