en English



Sport and Physical Activity (Sport & Vitality) is identified as driver for economic growth. The stimulation of a healthy active lifestyle is a key item in the EU with huge health, social and economic revenue. It is therefore also an area of innovation and new business. The Sport & Vitality sector has great potential in itself and can create new opportunities by making cross overs to other sectors such as tourism, health, and transport. New technologies and digital solutions play a key role in the future of Sport & Vitality and include unleashed potential.

By using the expertise of this Industrial modernisation partnership, we aim to find practises, that stimulate active lifestyle to turn healthcare to proactive care for health and to support growth, new business, and job possibilities in the field of Sport & Vitality.

Year established: 2017


“The Sport & Vitality partnership (ClusSport) has as its mission to support EU regions committed to generate a pipeline of business investment projects in the sport & vitality sector following a bottomup approach - implemented through interregional cooperation, cluster participation and business involvement as well as aligning specialisation profiles of the partner regions". ClusSport works from the big societal challenge on the inactive lifestyle. With its actions it wants to enhance the healthy active lifestyle and contribute to the transition from healthcare to care for health in all kinds of settings @work, @public space, @sportsclubs, @school, @home @ tourism. ClusSport obviously operates within the other societal challenges and transitions on digitalisation and sustainability.


The Sport & Vitality partnership (ClusSport) aims to strengthen the Sport & Vitality industries at the EU level. All ClusSport regions aim at boosting sport and vitality sectors in their regional economies and on European level. The partnership not only gathers regions, but also regional Q-helix clusters, hence bringing together a large variety of stakeholders from the sport sector and related industries. The ClusSport consortium is focusing on strengthening the regional ecosystems and the development of smart regional innovation hubs for sports and vitality. These innovation hubs are local ecosystems that support the transfer of technology and knowledge for use into the society and the industry to fulfil the market need and have economical, societal and sports impact.

Shared smart specialisation areas

All ClusSport regions aim at boosting sport and vitality in their regional economies and on EU level. They all share the idea of using making the cross over to other smart specialisations. ClusSport partners are developing joint activities in three thematic areas:

  • Smart Sport Wearables (quantified self) – ICT4Self
  • Smart Sport Environment and IoT (quantified environment) – ICT4Env
  • Healthy Active Lifestyle – Sport4Vitality


Innovation, business creation, smart solutions, societal economic and health impact, gamification

Regions (lead and partner)

  • Leading regions: Lapland (FI), South-Netherlands (NL)
  • Participating regions: Autonomous Province of Trento (IT), Auvergne Rhone-Alpes (FR), Catalonia (ES), Dalarna (SE), Emilia Romagna (IT), Flanders (BE), Hadjú-Bihar (HU), Kainuu (FI), Upper Austria (AT), Valencia (ES); Päijät-Häme (FI); Lodz (Poland)

Organisations involved

Regional clusters:
  • Cluster Sports & Technology
  • MSE cluster
  • Indescat
  • I4VLC
  • ATR-ER
  • Trentino Sviluppo
  • VSSO
  • Cluster Montagne
  • OSV
  • Lathi Region Development
  • Arctic sport network
  • Verde Cluster

supported by: European Platform for Sport Innovation (EPSI)

Related projects


Interreg EU

EFRD (various programs of regions)



ERASMUS projects:

  • various projects such as VCC challenge (vital cities), SPEX (spot and exergaming)


Leading regions:

South Netherlands:
Finland, Lapland:
Advisor and support:

Latest news and upcoming events

A shared capacity building event will take place in May 2023

Other relevant information

ClusSport Strategy document:

ClusSport EU video:

Infographics about ClusSport and network of innovation hubs: