en English



Bioenergy is a common smart specialisation priority for several regions across the EU. In line with the EU goals, bioenergy represents about two-thirds of the renewable energy production in the European Union. The Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnership (TSSP) on bioenergy supports the creation of an interregional partnership for bioenergy and smart specialisation.

Year established: 2016


The partnership on Bioenergy between European regions opens new interregional collaboration between partners (public and private) and improves knowledge sharing. The network encourages to find common perspectives on regional development and to be active in the pursuit of international cooperation.


The objective is to develop interregional cooperation, build strategic partnerships and promote sustainable development and innovations with bioenergy-related priorities, where the circular economy is a cross-cutting theme. Topics covered include: biomass, organic waste sidestreams, biogas, pellets, biochar, circular economy, as well as creating awareness and exchanging best practices.

Shared smart specialisation areas

Renewable energy solutions fostering self-sufficiency, Circular economy as the basis of sustainable growth


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Regions (lead and partner)

  • Leading regions: Lapland (FI)
  • Participating regions: Castille y Leon (ES)

Organisations involved

Lapland University of Applied Sciences, The Regional Council of Lapland

Related projects

  • Horizon 2020 ROSEWOOD 4.0: ROSEWOOD4.0 harnesses digital solutions and boosts knowledge transfer to connect multiple actors along the forest value chain to reinforce the sustainability of wood mobilisation in Europe. (
  • Interreg Europe APPROVE: APPROVE has tackled barriers to the development of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) such as: low level of knowledge in the general public, lack of expertise of RES proponents and civil servants dealing with permitting procedures issues of public opposition within approval procedures. (
  • AGRARSENSE project is a large 3-year KDT Joint Undertaking consortium project aiming to develop microelectronics, photonics, electronic packaging for agricultural use and forestry. (


Latest news and upcoming events

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Other relevant information

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