en English

2nd MED Innovation Camp

Event |

The Mission Innovative Sustainable Economy of the Interreg EuroMED program is organising its 2nd Innovation Camp in Barcelona on 28-29 May 2024.

This year’s edition will focus on how the Smart Specialisation Strategies are supporting the green and just transition of the Mediterranean regions.

This event provides an opportunity to exchange knowledge and practice on capacity building tools and synergies between the S3 community and the Innovative Sustainable Economy community.

During the workshops, participants will work together and in smaller groups to exchange ideas and contribute to the discussion that will be guided by the Joint Research Center (JRC) Seville.

The participation is free of charge. The event will be in person (limited seats available) and it will be held in English.

What about your territory? What is your potential to innovate? You can register for the Innovation Camp here:


The full agenda will be available soon, in the meantime watch the video of last year’s edition here

Join the event and engage in fruitful discussions about the green future of the Mediterranean regions!