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S3 Conference: Launch of the new Smart Specialisation Community of Practice

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On 30 March 2023, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and the Smart Specialisation Strategies Community of Practice (S3 CoP) Secretariat brought together over 400 policymakers, practitioners and experts within the field of innovation and Smart Specialisation to mark the official launch of the S3 Community of Practice.

The S3 Community of Practice (S3 CoP), which is DG REGIO's major source of support and knowledge for S3 implementation, was conceived under the Cohesion Policy of the European Commission. This Smart Specialisation approach helps regions to target their support to research and innovation on carefully defined “priority areas” that reflect the strengths and assets of the regions. It allows them to focus research and innovation actions on areas where there is a clear perspective for positive economic development on the ground.

The S3 Conference aimed to discuss Smart Specialisation and its role in driving local economic development and promoting EU priorities. By bringing together different European stakeholders of the S3 sphere, the Conference embodied the mission of the S3 CoP: create and mobilise a community of practitioners to address key challenges and share best practices, thus encouraging S3 partnerships and cooperation across EU Member States.

S3 Conference - After event video

The launch event featured welcoming remarks from the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, who emphasised the need for collaboration in the field on innovation: “We need networks and communities like the S3 Community of Practice: they create resilience, prosperity, and provide a sense of belonging.” Ms. Ferreira also stressed that the S3 Conference is an occasion to express views and opinions, to define strategic directions, and to debate on how to boost local development. She reminded the audience that “all regions have to succeed for the EU to succeed”.

Throughout the day, panel discussions and presentations were held with the first half of the day dedicated to introducing the Smart Specialisation Strategies Community of Practice. Following the lunch break, the Conference continued on the topic of interregional cooperation and innovation investments, which included two individual presentations on the Interregional Innovation Investment (I3) Instrument and the European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) programme. The closing session by Wolfgang Munch, Deputy Head of the Unit for Smart and Sustainable Growth at DG REGIO, wrapped up the Conference by summarizing the key matters and takeaways so that together we may build up the S3 Community and look towards a more inclusive and prosperous future for the EU. Furthermore, he emphasised that the community can only exist and thrive through active participation, encouraging practitioners and stakeholders to “make their voices heard”.

Overall, the S3 Conference was a successful event that provided a platform for stakeholders to engage in meaningful discussions and establish strong connections. With more events scheduled in the coming years, the S3 Community of Practice will continue to support and promote the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies across Europe.

The Community of Practice will organise a series of events until 2025, including the upcoming S3 Forum in November 2023 and the S3 Forum in 2024.

S3 Conference