en English

Expressions of interest to join the S3 CoP pool of experts

Expression of interest to join the S3 CoP pool of experts

Background on the call

The European Commission supports regions and Member States to comply with the fulfilment criteria and successfully implement their Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) through the newly launched S3 Community of Practice (S3 CoP).

S3 CoP is the Commission’s one-stop shop for Smart Specialisation and provides advice and technical assistance to all S3 stakeholders. It offers a platform for knowledge exchange that facilitates interregional collaboration. By building on the extensive expertise and practical experience gained from more than 10 years of developing Smart Specialisation Strategies, the S3 Community of Practice seeks to provide a fresh approach to support S3 practitioners across the EU.

What activities are we organising?

The type of assignment depends on the needs. Indicative examples of potential assignments supporting regions to meet the fulfilment criteria are:

  • Support to Entrepreneurial Discovery Process through the definition of a methodology and governance for continuous EDP, addressing the fulfilment criteria;
  • In-depth participatory analysis of a specific policy instrument (i.e. innovation voucher, industrial PhDs, etc.);
  • Support for the development of synergies with national instruments in a specific priority area;
  • Support for the integration of clusters in Smart Specialisation.
  • Provide thematic expertise to S3 Thematic Platforms
Who are we looking?

We invite experts with relevant experience in areas related to the design and implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies and S3 Thematic Platforms:

  • Expertise in the enabling conditions and S3 implementation
  • Thematic expertise in Agri-food; Energy; Bio-economy; Health and well-being; Tourism and Creative industries; Industrial modernisation in various manufacturing industries like Energy-intensive industries textile, construction; Industry 4.0; Digital economy; Circular economy and resource efficiency; Blue economy; Space and navigation; Proximity economy;
  • Methodological and analytical expertise concerning the above topics
How to express your interest?

The application form will be open continuously via an online application form on the S3 Community of Practice, and you can apply at any time.

You can express your interest via the EU Survey available here:

Express your interest

Expression of Interest to join the S3 CoP pool of experts
(259 KB - PDF)
How will the experts be selected?

Selection of experts for specific assignments will be performed based on the needs, and therefore the time of selection and selection criteria will vary.