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Watch 2007-2013 ex post evaluation results for France… in a video !

As you know, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy completed last autumn the evaluation of the 2007-2013 programmes, providing key figures on the results of the EUR 346.5 billion invested to reduce disparities between regions and promote balanced and sustainable development across EU regions.

Between 2007 and 2013, support from the European Regional Development Fund to France amounted to EUR 8 billion.

Investments were mainly made in the areas of:

  • Social infrastructure
  • Culture and tourism
  • Urban development
  • Transport and energy
  • Entreprise support
  • Research and Innovation

Date: 27 feb 2017

Theme: Evaluation

Languages:   en | fr

Subtitles:   en | fr

Duration: 00:56

More information

Key achievements of Regional Policy - France