en English

Regiostars 2015 - Diritti a scuola

The key objective of the project is to promote social inclusion and growth, reduction of school dropout rates and ensuring higher employability. It consisted of several types of interventions, not only strengthening learning processes, but also addressing economic, psychological, cultural and social disadvantages that contribute to early school leaving.

The project provided counselling, educational and vocational guidance and intercultural mediation, benefiting both students and their families, through a cultural mediator, psychological counselor and a help- desk. These tools aim to compensate learning deficiencies and create more inclusive school environments, responding also to the needs of disadvantaged and disabled students.

The project has recorded significant improvements. For example, the percentage of 15 year old students with limited reading capacities was reduced to 16.7% in 2012. At the same time, the dropout rate decreased from 30.3% in 2003 to 19.9% in 2013.

The project also stimulated students’ motivation, which is the basis for strengthening basic skills and for changing their attitude towards school attendance in general. In total, over 50,000 students (about 30% of the population of the schools involved) and 10,000 families benefited from the help-desk aimed at improving access to employment and vocational training.


Date: 13 oct 2015

Theme: Education and training, Employment and social inclusion, Regiostars

Languages:   en | it

Subtitles:   en | it

Duration: 01:54

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RegioStars Awards

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