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REGIOSTARS 2014 - Gdynia trolley bus network: Green trolley buses bring a better quality of urban life

The project aims to enhance the power supply system of the trolleybus traction network. It also purchased 28 new trolleybuses to increase the number of modern, eco-friendly and accessible trolleybuses. The direct objectives of the project are to increase the competitiveness of environmentally friendly public transport and to improve quality of service. Those improvements have rebuilt the image of public transport in Gdynia, causing an increase in the number of passengers, and creating direct benefits for the residents and the local economy.

  • City: Gdynia, Poland
  • Total budget: €24 424 000
  • ERDF funding: €13 428 000
  • Financing period: January 2010 – June 2013 

Press Release  

Date: 31 mar 2014

Theme: Transport, Urban development, Environment, Regiostars

Languages:   de | en | es | fr | pl | pt

Subtitles:   de | en | es | fr | pl | pt

Duration: 1:00

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RegioStars Awards