en English

REGIOSTARS 2014 - Art on Chairs: Portugal’s innovative chair-makers gain a global reputation

The furniture industry has for years been one of the most important economic activities in the city of Paredes, which has the highest concentration of chair factories in Europe and accounting for 65% of national furniture production. But although the industry was once highly productive, its image is now seen as old-fashioned and conservative. Art on Chairs has breathed new life into this traditional furniture industry by bringing them together with the designer world to transform chair making into an art. This fruitful cooperation between designers and the local SMEs has led to the production of top quality designer chairs, renewed pride in the work, boost of creativity in the manufacturing industry, enhanced productivity and an increase in international exports.

  • Region: Região Norte, Portugal
  • Total budget: €1 096 000
  • ERDF funding: €931 000
  • Financing period: January 2010 – May 2013

Press Release

More information about the project 

Date: 31 mar 2014

Theme: Business support, Culture, Employment and social inclusion, Regiostars, Research and innnovation

Languages:   de | en | es | fr | pt

Subtitles:   de | en | es | fr | pt

Duration: 1:00

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