en English

Measuring access to public transport in European cities

Measuring access to public transport in European cities

Working Papers

Date: 01 jun 2015

Theme: Transport, Urban development

Languages:   en

Rapid and frequent public transport has a big impact on urban economies. It can expand labour markets, offer more opportunities and better accessibility. These benefits are also reflected in the real estate market with (much) higher prices for houses and offices close to metro stations and highly accessible locations.

This paper measures access to public transport in an identical manner in over 100 cities in Europe. It uses new methodology that allows for the first time comparisons across national boundaries and takes into account the frequency and the mode of public transport as well as the distribution of population and jobs.  This is particularly relevant given that Cohesion Policy allocated EUR 6 billion during the 2007-2013 period to clean urban transport; an amount which we expect to increase significantly during the 2014-2020 period.