en English

Study on progress in regional policy of the WB6 and Turkey


Date: 30 jun 2022


Theme: International Affairs , Territorial cohesion, Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en

This Study examines the extent to which IPA Beneficiaries are prepared to implement Cohesion Policy, the main policy tool of the European Union directed to strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Union and correcting territorial imbalances taking into consideration the new political priorities of the Union, especially the green and digital transition. In the context of progress in the accession process and the relevant negotiating chapters, the Study focuses on two main dimensions, whether policy and planning frameworks and their implementation in practice are in place as an enabling environment for economic, social and territorial cohesion and the extent to which pre-accession assistance is effectively supporting policy efforts in convergence objectives.

The Study offers recommendations on how IPA Beneficiaries can progress, supported by the Commission, and how assistance can be better directed towards convergence. In a forward-looking approach, the Study recommends learning from the experiences of new Member States in their convergence efforts and mirroring as far as possible Cohesion Policy practices in the design and delivery of IPA. It builds on an extensive desk review, interviews with the European Union Delegations and IPA institutional representatives, 3 thematic stakeholder workshops and a pan-IPA survey.