en English

A pilot project to collect, clean and assess the list of operations produced by cohesion policy programmes at national, regional level


Date: 30 sep 2020

Period: 2014-2020

Theme: Evaluation, Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en

The goal of the Pilot project to collect, clean and asses the list of operations produced by cohesion policy programmes at national, regional level was to create a database for the operations in the 2014 - 2020 funding cycle among the EU 27 member states and the United Kingdom, including Interreg programmes. The project also delivered a software solution that self-documents the collection of named datasets, and makes all operations and procedures (accessing, transforming, cleaning, converting, etc.) programmatically reproducible, automated and extendible.

The initial list of data sources was provided by the European Commission. It was not within the scope of the project to research and collect all transactions within the 2014 - 2020 funding cycle - upon agreement only file-based, programmatically accessible and computer readable sources were included, therefore data only existing in HTML format for example was outside of the scope. As the presented framework is extendible, it allows the technical user to include additional data sources that were not part of the project originally.

Upon completing the project, the master database included data from 22 member states (plus Interreg programmes), 716 693 transactions from 609 940 operations, in the total value of € 288 458 996 260.21.