en English

Development of a system of common indicators for European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund interventions after 2020 - Part I – Thematic Objective 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

Development of a system of common indicators for European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund interventions after 2020 - Part I – Thematic Objective 1, 3, 4, 5, 6


Date: 26 jul 2018

Period: 2021-2027

Theme: Evaluation, Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en

The study assesses the possibility of expanding the 2014-2020 list of common output indicators and the feasibility of developing a list of common direct result indicators for post-2020 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) interventions, amounting to Eur 350 billion for 355 operational programmes in the 2014-2020 period.

The study focuses on the eleven thematic objectives (TOs), as defined according to European Union (EU) Regulations 1300/2013, 1301/2013 and 1303/2013:

  • TO 1 ‘Strengthening research, technological development and innovation’,
  • TO 2 ‘Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, information and communication technologies (ICT)’,
  • TO 3 ‘Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)’,
  • TO 4 ‘Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors’,
  • TO 5 ‘Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management’,
  • TO 6 ‘Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency’,
  • TO 7 ‘Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures’,
  • TO 8 ‘Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility’,
  • TO 9 ‘Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination’,
  • TO 10 ‘Investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning’,
  • TO 11 ‘Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration’ and the corresponding Investment Priorities (IPs).

The study is divided in two parts: the first is about TO 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, the second regards TO 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.