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CLLD under ERDF/ESF in the EU: A stock-taking of its implementation


Date: 22 jun 2018

Period: 2014-2020

Theme: Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en

In the 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy programming period, the Member States and regions are requested to address their specific territorial challenges and needs through targeted investments using an integrated approach to territorial development. Among the new delivery tools is Community-led Local Development (CLLD), a participative method which was introduced in the context of Cohesion Policy  extending the already existing LEADER approach used in rural and fisheries policies. 

Based on the lessons from the past,  the new CLLD broadens the capacity of this participatory approach to a wider range of territories and eligible measures, including the possibility to integrate funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF) with significant expansion of opportunities in terms of territorial targets and thematic interventions. In this way, CLLD also recovers the methodological experiences of the previous URBAN and EQUAL initiatives. This allows for a bottom-up approach in the entire European territory.