en English

Effective and efficient delivery of European Structural and Investment Funds investments – Exploring alternative delivery mechanisms


Date: 28 sep 2015

Period: 2014-2020

Theme: Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en

The purpose of the study is to assess whether the achievement of EU priorities through the investments from the ESI Funds could be enhanced through the use of alternative delivery mechanisms. For the purposes of the study, a delivery mechanism is understood as the set of processes and procedures required to achieve the defined policy objectives and regulate tasks relating to the implementation of the EU budget, and, where appropriate, the relationship between the body which is accountable for the implementation of the EU budget and the bodies to which implementation tasks have been delegated. In this context, the study should assess policy adequate and result oriented delivery mechanisms against the following five key criteria: accountability (assuming responsibility for all aspects related to ESI funds implementation, providing clear results, duly reported and communicated), sound financial management (in accordance with the elements provided for in Article 30 of Financial Regulation, also including the delivery of policy relevant results and the speed of implementation), legality and regularity of underlying transactions, aspects linked to good governance (transparency, ownership, responsiveness, including flexibility to changed circumstances) of implementation and simplification (administrative cost to administration, administrative burden to beneficiaries and cost effectiveness of controls). The contractor should assess how other alternative delivery mechanisms could be applied to investments under the ESI Funds or to parts thereof, and to which extent these could be the basis for differentiated approaches. Finally, the study should assess options and analyse their impact in terms of their effectiveness, efficiency and economy, and in particular on the delivery of policy-relevant results.