en English

Study on Strengthening Regional Innovation Systems in Peru: Policy lessons


Date: 28 jan 2014

Period: 2014-2020

Theme: International Affairs , Research and innnovation, Research & Development, Smart Specialisation

Languages:   en | es

Upon initiating a Dialogue with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), Peruvian authorities expressed an interest in developing an initial study on "Strengthening Regional Innovation Systems in Peru: Policy Lessons" with institutional support from the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the regional governments of Cusco and Tacna.

The study aims to conduct a strategic assessment of the Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) in the Peruvian regions of Cusco and Tacna, identifying the main actors within each region’s system: regional government, universities, research centers and enterprises, as well as identifying their level of cooperation and coordination in order to encourage further development of innovation strategies and joint projects.

The work is based largely on the "Regional Innovation Strategy" (RIS) methodology and its updated version (RIS3) on "Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization" designed and used by the EC. This proposes an analysis of the R&D carried out by academic and research institutions as well as the demands for innovation made by the business sector, analyzing their possible interaction and coordination, with the support of policies and instruments designed by regional authorities.