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Quality of life in cities - Perception survey in 79 European cities

Quality of life in cities - Perception survey in 79 European cities


Date: 08 oct 2013

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Urban development

Languages:   en

This Flash Eurobarometer, “Quality of life in European cities” (No 366), was conducted at the request of the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy to get a snapshot of people’s opinions on a range of urban issues. Earlier surveys were conducted in 2004, 2006 and 2009.This survey included all capital cities of the countries concerned (except for Switzerland), together with between one and six more cities in the larger countries. In each city, around 500 citizens were interviewed. A total of 79 European cities were used in this analysis. In addition to these, the surroundings areas of Athina, Lisboa, Manchester and Paris were analysed. The report therefore refers to “83 cities”, though a more accurate terminology would be “79 cities and 4 surrounding areas”.