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Comparative study on the project selection process applied in Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013 in a number of Member States

Comparative study on the project selection process applied in Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013 in a number of Member States


Date: 01 feb 2012

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Business support, Urban development, Research and innnovation, Research & Development

Languages:   en

Selecting projects best contributing to fulfilment of the programme objectives with minimum administrative resources is crucial for delivery of the Cohesion Policy. DG Regional Policy commissioned a study comparing the project selection process in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Slovenia in the fields of research and development, innovation in the small and medium enterprises and urban regeneration. The study identified a number of areas for improvement of the process, in particular for reduction of the administrative burden, and provides recommendations and good practice examples for setting-up the project selection structures and procedures for this and the next programming periods.
