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EU15 countries benefit from cohesion investments in Visegrad countries

EU15 countries benefit from cohesion investments in Visegrad countries


Date: 01 dec 2011

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Environment, Transport, Research and innnovation, Research & Development

Languages:   en

EU cohesion funding for the Visegrad Group (V4) countries (ie Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland) has benefited the economies of the EU15 countries, according to research carried out for the Polish Ministry of Regional Development. The study found that EU cohesion funding had increased consumer, investment and intermediate demand in the V4 countries. This increased demand concerned to a large extent concerns goods and services from EU countries. €1 spent by EU15 countries resulted in 61 cents of additional exports to the V4 countries. The study also looked at the benefits in terms of research and development, innovation, environmental protection and transport.