en English

The urban dimension in Community policies for the period 2007-2013: Part1

The urban dimension in Community policies for the period 2007-2013: Part1


Date: 01 feb 2010

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Urban development

Languages:   de | en | fr

The present guide builds on the work presented in "Sustainable Urban Development in the European Union: A Framework for Action" and reflects a key mission of the Interservice Group. Its aim is to increase the visibility of the urban dimension of all EU policies for the period 2007-2013 by identifying the full range of initiatives under these policies with direct and indirect implications for the sustainable development of urban areas. These implications are multi-faceted, involving:

  • the impact of EU policies in urban areas;
  • the ways in which cities can benefit from EU policies;
  • the ways in which cities can play a role in the implementation of EUpolicies

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Urban development