en English

Where Global Value Chains go local: EU regions, global value chain creation and local upgrading

Where Global Value Chains go local: EU regions, global value chain creation and local upgrading


Date: 30 jun 2022


Theme: Inclusive growth

Languages:   en

This Report aims to support the development of a wider evidence base to help the EU Cohesion Policy in dealing with new opportunities and challenges associated with global connectivity and the (re)configuration of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) networks and Global Value Chains (GVCs). The discussion will focus on the regional dimension of three “value-chain sensitive sectors”: Electronics, Automotive, and Textile and Apparel (T&A).The Report is organised around three main sections.First the critical review of the existing scholarly and policy literature makes it possible to present in a systematic and critical manner the structure of these value chains and their organisation in more narrowly defined sub-chains with distinctive geographies. It also uncovers the role of different types of firms and regions with particular attention to their technological and employment footprint.Second, the Report offers a quantitative description of the three GVC-sensitive sectors as a basis for the identification of the key actors/firms involved in the chains and their geography. The Report also explores the links between GVC indicators and regional indicators based on FDI, in order to unveil the heterogeneous subnational geography of various GVC functions.Third, the Report sketches a set of conceptual, methodological, and operational requirements for future GVC-specific territorial studies, combining quantitative and qualitative insights, the best use of existing data and the collection of new information to offer solid foundations for new Cohesion Policy interventions in this area.