en English

Study on the monitoring data on ERDF and Cohesion Fund operations, and on the monitoring systems operated in the 2014-2020 period


Date: 22 dec 2022

Theme: Evaluation, Financial Instruments, Funds and Budget

Languages:   en

The European Commission awarded CSIL, in partnership with Prognos AG and PPMI, a contract to carry out the “Study on the monitoring data on ERDF and Cohesion Fund operations, and on the monitoring systems operated in the 2014-2020 period”.The study resulted in the preparation of a Single Database covering 215 OPs co-financed by the ERDF and/or CF and 73 cooperation programmes co-financed during the 2014-2020 period, across the 12 thematic objectives. The Single Database includes three interlinked datasets on operations, beneficiaries, and on common and programme-specific output indicators. Moreover, the study provided an in-depth and comparative assessment of all ERDF operations monitoring systems, including 28 country sheets by Member State level and on the UK. It was found that those systems are diverse in their set-up, reflecting national/regional specificities. The assessment of operations monitoring systems and their data showed that data is of high quality across the EU. Only smaller observations were made concerning the working of operations monitoring systems and the plausibility of operations monitoring data.Providing high quality monitoring data at more frequent reporting cycles on ERDF/CF operations will remain important for future operations monitoring systems. This study provided nine strategic directions along these lines, which can help to optimise ERDF/CF operations monitoring systems (especially concerning efficiency) and improve data coherence in the future.