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Report on a toolkit for national and regional decision-makers. Supporting sustainability transitions under the European Green Deal with cohesion policy

Report on a toolkit for national and regional decision-makers. Supporting sustainability transitions under the European Green Deal with cohesion policy


Date: 27 nov 2020

Theme: Environment, Research and innnovation

Languages:   en

 The European Commission has proposed a European Green Deal as Europe’s new growth strategy, making Europe and its social market economy fit for a healthy planet. The European Green Deal addresses environmental issues such as biodiversity, pollution and climate change, through the transformation of food systems, agriculture, energy, industry, buildings and mobility. The set of proposals which form part of the Green Deal action plan set out ambitious targets for climate change, biodiversity and set out strategies for transforming systems supplying energy, food and mobility to Europeans.

As Europe’s new growth strategy, the European Green Deal and its initiatives are central to achieving a sustainable and rapid recovery and ultimately a just and fair transition, which leaves no person and no region behind. The EU has adopted a net zero emission target for 2050 for greenhouse gas emissions, and the Commission has proposed increasing the emission reduction target for 2030 from 40% to 55%. The Circular Economy Action Plan and its initiatives will strengthen our resilience and resource independence. The Biodiversity Strategy 2030 will protect our nature and ecosystems, the very foundation of our lives and economies. And because healthy ecosystems and clean air are the basis for healthy and resilient societies, a Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and a Zero Pollution Action Plan for air, water and soil are currently in preparation.

At the same time, the new Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF) and Next Generation EU jointly encompass the most ambitious set of funding proposals the EU has ever made, making EUR 1,824.3 billion available over the period 2021-2027.