en English

Report on GVA of multiregional enterprises - A survey of regional indicators used for the compilation of GOS of multi-regional enterprises


Date: 01 dec 2016

Theme: Business support

Languages:   en

The aim of this study is to prepare and carry out a survey on voluntary basis among Member States of the European Union on the methods used for the compilation of gross operating surplus of multi-regional enterprises at NUTS 2, for a recent year.

The goal of the work is to understand whether the different methods of regionalising gross operating surplus in multi-regional enterprises reduce the comparability of the regional GVA figures between countries. In particular, some countries have very high shares of GVA in the capital region which may be in part the result of a methodological bias.

The study covers the following tasks:

  • Design a survey to collect the relevant data
  • Share the survey with the relevant national statistical institutes and collect their replies
  • Analyse the result of the national statistical institutes that have responded: Given the voluntary nature of this survey, not all institutes will participate. Should the number of participating NSI be lower than six, three NSIs should be approached directly.
  • Make a recommendation on the methodologically most appropriate regionalisation approach
  • Recommend changes to the current practice and documentation if needed.
  • The study will answer the following questions:

  • In which regions and industries is the gross operating surplus of multi-regional enterprises a large share of total gross value added?
  • To what extent will the different types of regionalisation have a significant impact on overall regional distribution of GVA?
  • What is the methodologically most robust approach to regionalising gross operating surplus for multi-regional enterprises?
  • Is the current practice sufficiently documented and harmonised or it should be improved?
  • Annexes