en English

Results of the public consultation on the key features of an EU Urban Agenda


Date: 27 may 2015

Period: 2014-2020

Theme: Urban development

Languages:   en

Europe continues to be faced with challenges related to the economy, the climate, the environment, and society at large. Most of these challenges have a strong urban dimension. With almost three quarters of Europeans living in cities, it is clear that Europe needs its cities to win its battles. Without them, Europe will not meet its goals. This has been widely recognised and has triggered many important urban initiatives both at the EU and at the national level. These have been well received and are highly welcome. Yet, there is room for improvement to better link them, so to reduce overlaps, to ensure that they are mutually reinforcing, and thus to get much more out of them.

That is why a growing number of voices – at the EU, national and local level – argue that an EU Urban Agenda is needed so that cities can provide their input and expertise in developing and putting EU policies into practice and, in turn, that these are better adapted to urban realities.

As a response, the European Commission adopted a Communication in July 2014 launching a public consultation on an EU Urban Agenda. Its purpose was to widen the debate to all relevant stakeholders, to gather their ideas, and to further clarify the rationale for an EU Urban Agenda, what its objectives should be and how it could function.