en English

Evaluation of the position of Chernovtsy and Odessa regions of Ukraine with respect to economic performance and competitiveness and institutional capacity

Evaluation of the position of Chernovtsy and Odessa regions of Ukraine with respect to economic performance and competitiveness and institutional capacity


Date: 18 may 2010

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Business support, International Affairs , Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en

This final report was prepared by EEO Group S.A., contracted by DG REGIO for the project N°2009.CE.16.0.AT.121, entitled "

Evaluation of the position of the Chernovtsy and Odessa regions of Ukraine with respect to economic performance and competitiveness and institutional capacity".

This report gives an overview of the peer review process in the context of the aforementioned project. The report also provides further additional background information with respect to the three areas of assessment: 

  • Economic performance; 
  • Competitiveness;  
  • Institutional Capacity.

The report culminates in a set of targeted recommendations as to future actions.