en English

Measuring accessibility to passenger flights in Europe: Towards harmonised indicators at the regional level

Measuring accessibility to passenger flights in Europe: Towards harmonised indicators at the regional level

Regional Focus

Date: 01 sep 2013

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Transport

Languages:   en

Within the European statistical system, relatively rich data are available on flight traffic by airport. Amongst other series, these data include the number of flights and the number of departing passengers. To a certain extent, these data are also available by connection between airports (origin/destination data).Using the point location data of the airports, the available statistics can easily be represented on a map. Nevertheless, if we want to analyse the situation of regions, territories, or cities, in relation with air traffic, these data or maps are quite hard to interpret without further analysis. For example, the Brussels region does not contain an airport, as Brussels Airport is located just outside the borders of the Brussels Capital region.