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The European Structural and Investment Funds at work: Already €405 billion invested in the EU real economy since 2014

The European Structural and Investment Funds at work: Already €405 billion invested in the EU real economy since 2014


Date: 19 dec 2018

Period: 2014-2020

Theme: Business support, Energy, Environment, Rural development, Transport, Evaluation, Research and innnovation, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training

Languages:   de | en | fr

Five years into the 2014-2020 funding period, the implementation of European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds programmes continues at full speed, with€405 billion already invested in the Europe’s real economy by October 2018, which is 63% of the Funds’ total envelope. €242 billion is left to be invested overthe next 2-3 years, with full completion of investment by 2023 when the funding period will close.