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The new EU strategy for the outermost regions, one year on - French Guiana

The new EU strategy for the outermost regions, one year on - French Guiana


Date: 20 nov 2018

Period: 2014-2020

Theme: Business support, Environment, Outermost regions, Tourism, Research and innnovation, Research & Development

Languages:   en | es | fr | pt

By encouraging the outermost regions to capitalise on their unique assets, the strategy seeks to help them create new opportunities for their inhabitants, boost innovation in sectors like agriculture, fisheries or tourism, while deepening the cooperation with neighbour countries. One year on, the main developments in French Guiana are:

  • The implementation of strategies promoting a sustainable and more innovative economy based on the sectors of the future, including the green and blue economy in favour of biodiversity, agro-industries and sustainable tourism, and the selection of 350 projects in these areas;
  • Support for researchers through the Horizon 2020 «FORWARD» project aimed at strengthening their presence in European and international innovationnetworks and their ability to participate in research projects;
  • Enhanced competitiveness through a business support policy offering new financial instruments, particularly for small and very small businesses;
  • A circular economy supported by the establishment of a regional strategy and an action programme for the establishment of a waste observatoryand information campaigns on waste prevention and management, and the development of the circular economy.