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The Outermost Regions: European lands In the world - Martinique

The Outermost Regions: European lands In the world - Martinique


Date: 24 oct 2017

Theme: Business support, Environment, Outermost regions, Tourism, Research and innnovation, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training

Languages:   en | es | fr | pt

Located in the Caribbean area, 7000 km from Paris, Martinique has a population of 385 000 inhabitants.

Its exceptional geographical position between Europe, the Caribbean and the Americas offers the opportunity for regular exchanges with other countries and continents.

Martinique’s GDP per head is among the highest in the Caribbean area, despite being affected by a high unemployment rate, an ageing population and early school leaving.

The island has a unique biodiversity. Tourism has a clear potential although the island suffers from lack of infrastructure. The agri-food sector is crucial to the economy, with the export-oriented production of bananas and rum. The region has also a valuable expertise in the management and prevention of natural risks.