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The Outermost Regions: European lands In the world - Canary Islands

The Outermost Regions: European lands In the world - Canary Islands


Date: 24 oct 2017

Theme: Business support, Environment, Outermost regions, Research and innnovation, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training

Languages:   en | es | fr | pt

Situated in the Atlantic, 1 000 km away from the Iberian Peninsula, the Canary Islands have 2.1 million inhabitants living on 7 main islands.

They are strategically placed between Europe, America and Africa, offering a privileged position for cultural and economic exchange.

The Canary Islands host world-class research centres and universities, making the region a front runner in fields such as astrophysics, oceanography, renewable energies and biotechnologies.

However, there are still some challenges: the region´s GDP per head has been declining over the last years, standing at 74% of the EU average, and the unemployment rate is very high, especially among young people.