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Analysis of the Impact of Cohesion Policy - A note explaining the HERMIN-based simulations


Date: 01 may 2007

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Evaluation, Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en

Our investigation covers the Cohesion Policy programme periods from 2000 to 2006 and from 2007 to 2013, together with a post-implementational phase out to the year 2020. Where the “n+2” rule is invoked, the implementation period continues to the year 2015.The recipient countries and regions that are analysed are the following:a) The “old” member states Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain for the programme period 2000 to 2013;b) The “old” member state macro regions of East Germany and the Mezzogiorno for the programming period 2000 to 2013;c) The ten new member states who joined in 2004 and have been supported by Cohesion Policy programmes since 2004;d) Bulgaria and Romania, who joined on January 1st, 2007 and will receive Cohesion Policy funding support for the period 2007 – 2013.For each of the above countries (with the exception of Malta), a new HERMIN 5-sector model was set-up using the latest available Eurostat/AMECO database as the main source.For Malta, the available national and Eurostat data only permitted the construction of a twosector HERMIN model. For the macro regions we relied on local data sources, since no full Eurostat/AMECO databases were available.


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