en English

Member States and Regions delivering the Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs through EU cohesion policy, 2007-2013


Date: 11 dec 2007

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Business support, Environment, Research and innnovation, Research & Development, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training

Languages:   en

This Communication sets out an initial overview of the results of the negotiations of the new generation of cohesion policy strategies and programmes for the period 2007-2013. As such, it forms part of the Lisbon package providing a detailed assessment of progress by policy area over the first three years of the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs of 2005. In particular, it demonstrates how the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs has been central to the new cohesion policy strategies and programmes. In addition, with a view to the 2008 Spring European Council, the communication also reflects on the potential role of cohesion policy programmes in taking the Lisbon Strategy forward during its next three-year cycle.