en English

(Interreg VI-A) Romania-Hungary

Programme description

The overall programme objective is defined as follows:

  • Concentrating resources towards interventions where cross-border cooperation brings added value and the Interreg programme represents the main option for funding;
  • The Romania-Hungary programme’s vision is to have a greener, resilient, and more cohesive cross-border region between Romania and Hungary, with enhanced understanding of cooperation opportunities, increased trust, and reduced barriers to cooperation.

The incidence of floods, land-slides and fires deriving from draughts and land abandonment drive the need for climate change adaptation strategies. This, along with the management of natural and anthropic hazards, emerged as priorities for the upcoming programme, as well as key areas of investment.

Co-operation in the field of protection and valorisation of natural resources, including green infrastructure, represents a common investment need for the programme.Territorial analysis showed how, excluding major urban centres, uneven distribution of public services (especially in the health, cultural and tourism sectors) represents a significant obstacle on the path to a balanced development and internal regional cohesion of the border region.

Cultural heritage in the area has the potential to contribute to the development of a long-term preservation instrument, including under a common approach for tourism destination management .

In accordance with the Interreg Specific Objectives, the focus will be on promoting people-to-people interventions as a foundation for more structured cooperation.

Such cooperation should seek to build sustainable and inclusive communities and an open business environment. This will represent a solid base for designing tailor-made solutions for future community-led initiatives and integrated socio-economic strategies at cross-border level. Thus people-to-people actions will function as “laboratories” for the engagement of local communities.

Finally, the Programme will promote synergies with the EU Strategy for Danube Region.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 140.752.020,00 35.188.005,00 175.940.025,00
Total 140.752.020,00 35.188.005,00 175.940.025,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives