en English

(Interreg VI-A) Romania-Bulgaria

Programme description

The programme aims to address the most important cross-border cooperation challenges between the two Member States. They are separated by a 630 km-long border, 500 km of which is formed by the Danube river. There are only two bridges: Ruse-Giurgiu and Vidin-Calafat.

The programme has four policy objectives: green Europe, connected Europe, social Europe, and Europe closer to citizens by making use of the Danube Eurovelo route. The programme supports cross-border cooperation between public institutions, the private sector and civil society.

Since both countries have substantial amounts of funding for the 2021-2027 period, the cross-border programme will address:

  • Climate change: Natura 2000 sites, biodiversity, development of green infrastructure and reducing pollution will be given special attention;
  • Cross-border mobility: locally and regionally by ensuring better rail links across the Danube and by improving navigation and safety on the river;
  • Education and training: increasing access to and participation in education, training and lifelong learning;
  • Cross-border labour: support for overcoming linguistic and administrative barriers that affect the quality, mobility and adaptability of the labour force on both sides of the border;
  • Sustainable tourism: the programme proposes an ambitious approach to PO5 (integrated territorial investments) using the Danube Eurovelo route (Eurovelo 6);
  • Risk prevention and reaction: substantial investments in this area will build on previous projects that improved cross-border cooperation;

Under the programme, 49% of the EU budget will be dedicated to climate and environment objectives, and 24% to biodiversity targets. Climate change adaptation will complement efforts to develop a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy, and encourage environmental protection and climate action.

Operations of strategic importance include maintaining the Danube river, developing better rail connectivity and mobility across the Danube; and joint disaster resilience and risk prevention.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 163.497.401,00 43.959.761,00 207.457.162,00
Total 163.497.401,00 43.959.761,00 207.457.162,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives