en English

(Interreg VI-A) IPA CBC Romania Serbia

Programme description

The programme aims to boost investments in key sectors for the benefit of the people and businesses in the region. It will contribute to making the region and Europe greener, more social and inclusive, and closer to citizens and their needs.

Through the funds of European Territorial Cooperation and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, the EU supports the region to reduce energy emissions through the promotion of renewable energy and to enhance the protection and preservation of biodiversity and the environment. Conditions for a more social and inclusive region will be fostering the improvement of skills and trainings for enhanced employability and better access to and resilience of the health care system as well as investments in sustainable tourism as one of the biggest economic drivers for the region.  

Finally, investments will target sustainable tourism as one of the biggest economic drivers for the region while diversifying and innovate offers to better attract and manage the tourist flows of the natural resources, cultural and historical sites in the region.

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Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
IPA III 74.566.827,00 13.158.854,00 87.725.681,00
Total 74.566.827,00 13.158.854,00 87.725.681,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives