en English

South East

Programme description

The programme seeks to increase regional economic competitiveness and improve living conditions by supporting business development, infrastructure and services. This will reduce intra-regional disparities and stimulate sustainable development. The focus will be placed on effective resource management, skills development, education, innovation, and use of new technologies. 

The region includes the Danube Delta biosphere, a unique territory with environmental resources of global importance, an isolated and marginalised population, difficult access to the education system, vulnerable economic specialisation and limited access to services. 

The programme addresses territorial disparities which are accentuated by significantly different levels of industrialisation between counties, demographic decline and depopulation and poorly connected areas affected by climate change.


Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 1.238.760.838,00 249.310.221,00 1.488.071.059,00
Total 1.238.760.838,00 249.310.221,00 1.488.071.059,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Reaping the benefits of digitisation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Skills for smart specialisation and transition

Greener Europe

Energy efficiency

Climate change adaptation

Nature protection and biodiversity

Sustainable urban mobility

Connected Europe

Sustainable transport

Social Europe

Education and training infrastructure

Culture and sustainable tourism

Europe closer to citizens

Integrated development in urban areas

Integrated development in rural and coastal areas