en English

Smart growth, digitalization and financial instruments

Programme description

The programme is Romania’s main tool to boost research and innovation (R&I) and digital transformation. 

The investments focus on reducing the innovation gap with the rest of EU through increased private-sector R&I, incentivising academia-business collaboration, supporting the competitiveness of SMEs and digitalisation of public administration. 

The main priorities are: 

  • supporting and promoting a competitive R&I system;
  • enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs and entrepreneurship;
  • digitalisation of the central public administration for the benefit of citizens and businesses;
  • digital transformation and improved service provision in the cultural sector.

Targeted measures aim to boost the innovation and competitiveness of enterprises, including through creation of a national entrepreneurship hub for start-ups. Actions enhancing knowledge and technology transfer will strengthen academia-business collaboration.

The creation of thematic public-private consortia and support for national projects in advanced technologies aims to reduce fragmentation in R&I and will benefit all Romanian regions. Knowledge hubs will be created for smart specialisation, the industrial transition, and entrepreneurship.

Through digitalisation of the central public administration, the programme aims to develop new e-government services for citizens and business. Support to digital innovation hubs will contribute to the digital transformation in businesses and public entities. 

Support for digital transformation in the cultural sector aims to increase access to culture through the creation of digital content, and by promoting cultural heritage as a key component of sustainable development.  

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 1.650.000.000,00 551.488.237,00 2.201.488.237,00
Total 1.650.000.000,00 551.488.237,00 2.201.488.237,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Reaping the benefits of digitisation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Skills for smart specialisation and transition

Social Europe

Culture and sustainable tourism