en English

Technical Assistance

Programme description

The technical assistance programme 2021-2027 supports the efficient and effective implementation of funds in Romania, and continues the real cost based technical assistance (TA). The programme supports management and control systems, beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries, and four national programmes managed by the Ministry of Investment and European Projects which do not have a TA priority axis: sustainable development, intelligent growth, digitalisation and financial instruments, health, and technical assistance.  

The TA is a multi-fund programme and has two priorities co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). Priority 1 (ERDF) ensures the functioning of the coordination and control systems to provide qualified and motivated staff, not only by financing the related salary costs, but also by creating the appropriate logistical framework. Priority 2 (ESF+) includes actions to improve management and implementation capacity, information and communication, to promote:

  • project preparation and evaluation;
  • state aid;
  • financial instruments;
  • indicators;
  • public procurement;
  • IT systems, prevention and management of irregularities;
  • anti-fraud and prevention of conflict of interest. 

The TA programme (45 % of the TA allocation) is used in complementarity with the specific assistance priorities axes set at the level of the other national programmes and of the eight regional programmes (55 % of TA funds). 

As an element of novelty and importance, building on the 2019 Country Specific Recommendation and taking into account the factors for effective implementation of the cohesion policy identified in Annex D of the 2019 European Semester country report, Romania will develop one national administrative capacity-building (ACB) roadmap and eight regional ones. Another important direction of the TA programme is promoting transparency by considering the use of integrity pacts in important projects. This will take into account lessons learned from the application in Romania of the European Commission pilot programme and provisions of the legislation. 

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 254.169.243,00 319.067.123,00 573.236.366,00
ESF+ 203.318.630,00 182.875.868,00 386.194.498,00
Total 457.487.873,00 501.942.991,00 959.430.864,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives