en English


Programme description

The programme is Romania’s principal instrument to develop transport infrastructure – roads, railways and shipping – and to make major investments in metropolitan rail infrastructure in several cities, including the capital Bucharest. 

The EU funding aims to: 

  • Complete high-speed road infrastructure sections on the Trans-European Transport Network’s (TEN-T) core and comprehensive sections and improve accessibility to the TEN-T. These investments will be accompanied by improvements to road safety, such as eliminating hazardous areas on national roads, in line with the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 and EU’s “Vision Zero” by 2050;
  • Modernise railways on TEN-T Core network corridors (Rhine-Danube and Orient-East Med) and complete the Rhine-Danube corridor. All modernised railways will be equipped with European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) level 2. New passenger rolling stock will be acquired to increase the attractiveness of railway passenger transport;
  • Develop urban railway systems for metropolitan areas by building infrastructure and acquiring new rolling stock;
  • Improve navigation on the Danube and increase the use of Romanian ports by financing investments in waterborne transport. These investments will accompany development of intermodal (road/rail) terminals, where appropriate.

The transport programme will also support measures under the Solidarity Lanes to streamline connections with Moldova and Ukraine. 

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
CF 2.638.875.326,00 3.091.473.856,00 5.730.349.182,00
ERDF 2.011.640.000,00 1.884.247.354,00 3.895.887.354,00
Total 4.650.515.326,00 4.975.721.210,00 9.626.236.536,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Greener Europe

Sustainable urban mobility

Connected Europe

Sustainable TEN-T

Sustainable transport