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Social Inclusion and Dignity

Programme description

The ESF+ and ERDF Social Inclusion and Dignity Programme of Romania aims to improve essential social services for all, focusing on people from disadvantaged groups and people living in rural areas. The programme tackles the root causes of social disadvantages and inequality, providing significant financing for improving health, access to education and social services. 

EU funding in Romania promotes social enterprises, support services and basic material assistance for vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, long-term unemployed, Roma and homeless people. The programme also implements the EU Child Guarantee by providing material, education and social aid to disadvantaged children and their families.  

Programme activities will make the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights a reality, working to achieve Romania’s 2030 social targets for increasing the country’s employment rate to nearly 75% and the number of adults in training every year to over 17%, while reducing the number of people at risk of poverty by over 2.5 million. 

Integrated community services and prevention of child poverty

Access to health, social and educational services will be improved, thanks to EU investments in integrated community centres in rural areas. Measures will focus on responding to the needs of vulnerable groups, notably Roma people, including through the involvement of health or educational mediators. In addition, local action groups’ strategies for community-led development in rural areas and marginalised urban areas will contain targeted measures to address integration needs of local communities. 

Dedicated measures will support children at risk of poverty and family re-integration, also through the development of specialised services, including tailor-made training for staff supporting children with behavioural challenges. Multifunctional sport and culture centres will be created for children from remote or disadvantaged areas. 

Social housing and support for the social economy in rural areas 

Investments will ensure social housing is available for those in need. People living in informal settlements, which include unregulated or unsafe accommodation, will also benefit from integrated support measures, based on specific needs that are identified case by case. 

The programme will also develop integrated services for social support and increase the financing for hiring specialised staff in rural areas. Promotion of social enterprises is also a priority in rural areas, where the programme will build and strengthen partnerships between local stakeholders to grow the social economy. 

Support for persons with disabilities and long-term care 

The multifund Social Inclusion and Dignity Programme will invest in an innovative partnership scheme between enterprises, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders that will work to expand support for persons with disabilities. The provision of assistive technologies, personalised counselling and adaptive education schemes will promote autonomy and deinstitutionalisation and help persons with disabilities with opportunities to find jobs. 

Funds will also enhance support for older people in vulnerable situations. Living conditions for individuals in social care will be improved, with specific attention given to meeting the long-term care needs of persons with reduced mobility and autonomy. Training offers to support the upskilling of workers in the healthcare and long-term care sectors will help tackle territorial disparities.  

Social Services and Material Support

EU investments under the programme will also contribute to the integration of people from a migrant background, for both adults and children. Other vulnerable groups, such as survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, persons released from prison, homeless people and victims of addiction will also benefit from specialised services, including temporary accommodation and specialised counselling. Staff providing these services will be supported through dedicated training. 

The programme also allocates funding for material aid to vulnerable groups, including food and hot meals to children and care packages to newborns. 

Expected impact 

Thanks to the Social Inclusion and Dignity Programme: 

  • more than 600 000 persons will improve their employment situation or gain new qualifications, including more than 100 000 children and 10 000 vulnerable older persons;
  • more than 40 000 persons with disabilities will benefit from dedicated support;
  • 400 000 people in rural areas will have improved access to social, educational, employment and health services; 
  • 2 000 rural communities will benefit from improved access to social, education and health services;
  • more than 1.8 million vulnerable people will receive food and other forms of material support.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 370.604.474,00 118.370.593,00 488.975.067,00
ESF+ 2.995.442.126,00 735.192.801,00 3.730.634.927,00
Total 3.366.046.600,00 853.563.394,00 4.219.609.994,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Social Europe

Access to employment and activation measures for all

Intergration of marginalised communities such as Roma

Equal access to quality social and healthcare services

Social integration of people at risk

Addressing material deprivation

Gender balanced labour market participation

Quality and inclusive education and training systems

Active inclusion and employability

Integration of third country nationals

Education and training infrastructure

Integration of marginalised communities

Integration of third country nationals