en English

European Funds for Pomorze Zachodnie 2021-2027

Programme description

The region’s key investment priorities for the European Regional Development Funds aim to:

  • Transform the region and strengthen its economic environment. More specifically, investments will drive the regions entry into industry 4.0, by addressing bottlenecks in the diffusion of innovatve technologies and processes, and by improving the position of the regional economy in global value chains.
  • Increase the region's inhabitants participation and competitiveness in the labour market by helping to improve their skills and competences.
  • Enhance environmental and climate responsibility by improving energy efficiency, developing renewable energy, preserving and protecting ecosystems. Additionally, investments will assist in reducing pressures of adverse factors linked to climate change. Actions to raise public and institutional awareness will contribute to climate education and to the protection of nature and its resources while laying the foundation for a low/zero-emission transport economy. 
  • Foster the involvement of local and social partners that will also build the capacity of the social partners and non-governmental organisations. Such actions will increase the local partners' involvement in the development of strategies and projects for functional areas.

The biggest challenges to be addressed concern also:

  • the regional labour market activation of economically inactive people;
  • the ageing of population;
  • accessibility and quality of education at all stages of education;
  • social and health services in a deinstitutionalised form to demographic conditions resulting from the increasing share of older people in the population of the region.

A significant part of the Programme will focus on supporting development processes in cities and their functional areas through the use of Integrated Territorial Investments and Other Territorial Tools. This will allow for bottom-up territorial strategies that will result in bundles of coordinated projects co-financed by the ERDF and the ESF+.

A key priority guiding the planned activities will be seizing every opportunity to develop green technologies and to transition to a green economy. To this end, the programme will support innovative and environment-friendly technologies. The planned allocation for climate objectives amounts to more than 35% of the European Regional Development Fund allocation. The percentage of expenditure devoted to biodiversity protection amounts to 4.59% of the Programme allocation.

The Programme will support, where appropriate, the New European Bauhaus principles of sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness, investing in initiatives that combine such principles in their search for affordable, inclusive, sustainable and attractive solutions to climate challenges. In supporting of cultural investments, priority will be given to projects implementing the New European Bauhaus.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 1.218.441.803,00 215.019.146,00 1.433.460.949,00
ESF+ 468.187.012,00 82.621.238,00 550.808.250,00
Total 1.686.628.815,00 297.640.384,00 1.984.269.199,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Social Europe

Access to employment and activation measures for all

Equal access to quality social and healthcare services

Social integration of people at risk

Modernising labour market institutions

Gender balanced labour market participation

Adaptation of workers and enterprises to change

Quality and inclusive education and training systems

Lifelong learning and career transitions

Active inclusion and employability

Integration of third country nationals

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Reaping the benefits of digitisation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Greener Europe

Energy efficiency

Renewable energy

Climate change adaptation

Sustainable water

Circular economy

Nature protection and biodiversity

Sustainable urban mobility

Connected Europe

Sustainable transport

Social Europe

Education and training infrastructure

Integration of marginalised communities

Integration of third country nationals

Access to health care

Culture and sustainable tourism

Europe closer to citizens

Integrated development in urban areas

Integrated development in rural and coastal areas