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European Funds for Wielkopolska 2021-2027

Programme description

The main objectives of the programme are:

  • strengthening and making effective use of the region's economic and social potentials,
  • fostering integrated, sustainable and smart development of the Wielkopolska voivodeship, aimed at high quality of life and security of its inhabitants including the just transition in the Konin subregion.

The programme will increase business activity in research and development. This will entail implementation and innovation through support for R&D infrastructure as well as the creation of regional and supra-regional research agendas. Coherently with the regional smart specialisation strategy, skills development and digitalisation will contribute to the process for public sector and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 

In the area of environment and climate the programme will continue actions in the field of water and wastewater management and biodiversity protection. A key feature of for cliamte change adaptation projects will be the development of environmental forecasting and warning systems. In the same line, urban areas will benefit from advisory systems to achieve climate neutrality. The programme also includes measures to encourage the uptake of renewable energy sources, with interventions to advise public entities, enterprises and citizens.

Regarding mobility, the programme aims to ease access to urban public transport and better the standards of the road and rail network. Such measures will match efforts to to improve road safety, including for pedestrians and bikers, while investments will support building insfrastructure for charging/refuelling zero-emission vehicles.

A part of investments will promote inclusive education - kindergartens and vocational education and training, deinsitutionalised ocial and primary healthcare -, as well as sustainable tourism and culture.

The socio-professional activation for members of marginalised communities such as refugees and migrants benefits from financing, namely for tools such as bespoke language courses, internships, vocational trainings, etc. Other measures targeting marginalised communities include actions supporting the LGBT+ community. Youth employment represents a key priority: Wielkopolska is to receive one of the most significant allocations for the Youth Guarantee and the ALMA initiative in Poland. A substantial allocation for gender equality and women's economic activation aims at mitigating the gender employment gap and increasing women's chances in the labour market.

The programme will target areas facing adaptation and restructuring difficulties at regional and supra-local level.

The Territorial Just Transition Plan will cover the Konin subregion. The JTF will assist companies withdrawing from traditional industries by means of a comprehensive support for businesses, adressing infrastructure and complementary training. Projects are planned to create new businesses, support self-employment and create new jobs in industries that emphasise the endogenous potential of transition areas.

JTF supports workers employed in the mining and energy sectors and related industries, workers who are at risk of being made redundant. Support materialises in the means to retrain or endeavour on entrepreneurial pathways to stay in employment (e.g. career counselling, legal and psychological assistance, gosp. start-up grants). Investments will drive the development of vocational training, to better match the provision of education to the needs of the local labour market, strengthening cooperation with employers and adapting to the challenges posed by the digital and green transition.

To support the transition to the circular economy, the programme fosters resources and material-efficient production and logistics processes, increases in product repurposing, upcycling, material recycling and resource efficiency. Investments also aim to reduce energy consumption in production processes as well as water, heat and cold. In order to preserve and restore former functions of natural and landscape assets of brownfield sites, including post-mining areas, the scope of the intervention will include their rehabilitation, remediation, restoration and decontamination. Important aspects of the intervention are the growth of water resources in the sub-region and climate change resilience through the development of micro and small water retention, including the development of aquatic ecosystems, investments in water facilities and hydro-technological infrastructure.

Investments related to ensuring access to stable, green and affordable energy sources will be supported as well as to investments that raise energy standards in public buildings and housing. Electro-mobility measures will be promoted by purchase of zero-emission rolling stock, charging infrastructure, integration of collective transport and cycling routes.

The programme presents an ambitious approach towards the wider use of financial instruments. In particular, in the area of enterpreurship, revitalisation, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. 11% of the programme allocation is dedicated to financial instruments.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 1.251.999.208,00 532.999.664,00 1.784.998.872,00
ESF+ 487.598.161,00 203.613.499,00 691.211.660,00
JTF 414.808.447,00 177.775.051,00 592.583.498,00
Total 2.154.405.816,00 914.388.214,00 3.068.794.030,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Social Europe

Access to employment and activation measures for all

Equal access to quality social and healthcare services

Social integration of people at risk

Gender balanced labour market participation

Adaptation of workers and enterprises to change

Improving education and training systems

Quality and inclusive education and training systems

Lifelong learning and career transitions

Active inclusion and employability

Integration of third country nationals

JTF specific objective

Just Transition Fund

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Reaping the benefits of digitisation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Greener Europe

Energy efficiency

Renewable energy

Climate change adaptation

Sustainable water

Circular economy

Nature protection and biodiversity

Sustainable urban mobility

Connected Europe

Sustainable transport

Social Europe

Education and training infrastructure

Integration of marginalised communities

Access to health care

Culture and sustainable tourism

Europe closer to citizens

Integrated development in urban areas

Integrated development in rural and coastal areas