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European Funds for Pomorze 2021-2027

Programme description

The Pomorskie voivodeship has an attractive, coastal location at the crossroads of international transport routes. This provides the basis for the development of many activities related to maritime transport, logistics and wind energy, notwithstanding the many activities based on advanced technologies, ICT or systems of increased autonomy based on 4.0 industry.

In terms of size and strength, Pomorskie is an average economy in Poland. It has a relatively stable position in relation to other Polish regions, maintaining the 7th place in terms of share in national GDP and 6th place in terms of GDP per capita. The Pomeranian economy is service-oriented with tourism playing an important role. At the same time the maritime, petrochemical, wood and furniture, construction, electromechanical and hotel industries maintain a preminent role. 

The programme aims at strengthening the region's economy while supporting the aspirations of the Pomeranian Voivodeship to achieve the leading position among Polish regions. Those ambitions require more effective use of its competitive advantages: geographical location at the crossroads of transport routes, diversified structure of the economy and a relatively favorable demographic situation to foster integrated, sustainable and intelligent development. To obtain such development objectives, the programme entails interventions in line with 7 priorities and two technical assistance priority axes (ERDF and ESF+).

The programme encompasses measures to strengthen productivity, innovation (including the implementation of R&D results) and the adaptability of enterprises. This will entail increasing their expansion and international visibility, encouraging their cooperation with research institutions and the public sector. Such synergies would place the region on the way towards technological leadership and the implementation of modern solutions. Support will also cover the digitalisation and cybersecurity in public sector.

In the area of environment and climate the region plans to enhance energy security, transforming the region into a national leader in green energy production and eco-efficient technologies, while preserving landscape assets. To enhance environmental security, measures include enhancing preparedness for extreme events through adaptation to climate change. With the objective of achieving climate neutreality, the region committed to reducing emissions and to supporting committing to climate neutrality through emission reduction and through support to circular economy.

On mobility, the programme will fund measures increasing the cohesion of regional internal transportation according to the following areas of intervention. 

  • Reducing the phenomenon of transport exclusion;
  • Developing sustainable mobility of residents;
  • Connecting the regional transport system with the national and European systems;
  • Reducing the negative impact of transport on the environment and climate.

Furthermore, the programme plans to increase access to high-quality pre-school education while supporting vocational training for the key sectors of the region’s economy. The support will be also dedicated to deinsitutionalised social and health services (mainly targeted at primary healthcare and ambulatory care), as well as sustainable tourism and culture.

Measures financed from the ESF+ will support education at every level, taking into account not only the improvement of students’ knowledge but also the development of their competences. An important aspect of support will be inclusive education aimed at supporting children with disabilities, behavioural and emotional disorders, learning difficulties and students with a migran background (including repatriates). Pomorze has chosen to activate young people in the labour market through the ALMA initiative, helping not only to find better employment but also to enrich the workforce with new competences. To ensure equal opportunities for women, measures will focus on tackling discrimination in the labour market and overcoming gender stereotypes, not only through direct support for the labour market activation of parents, but also through dedicated support for workers and employers. An amount of EUR 75 million from ESF+ has been earmarked for the implementation of the European Child Guarantee and EUR 18 million for the European Youth Guarantee. For skills, the programme dedicates around EUR 91 mln.

Finally, interventions for the regeneration of deprived areas in cities will be comprehensive and place-based for the benefit of local communities and linked to existing local social policies.

The programme contributes to the key EU priorities in the area of green growth, digitalisation, innovation, economic transformation and to the mainstreaming of New European Bauhaus principles.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 1.254.414.458,00 221.367.260,00 1.475.781.718,00
ESF+ 497.393.865,00 87.775.389,00 585.169.254,00
Total 1.751.808.323,00 309.142.649,00 2.060.950.972,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Social Europe

Access to employment and activation measures for all

Equal access to quality social and healthcare services

Social integration of people at risk

Modernising labour market institutions

Gender balanced labour market participation

Adaptation of workers and enterprises to change

Quality and inclusive education and training systems

Lifelong learning and career transitions

Active inclusion and employability

Integration of third country nationals

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Reaping the benefits of digitisation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Greener Europe

Energy efficiency

Renewable energy

Climate change adaptation

Sustainable water

Circular economy

Nature protection and biodiversity

Sustainable urban mobility

Connected Europe

Sustainable transport

Social Europe

Education and training infrastructure

Integration of marginalised communities

Access to health care

Culture and sustainable tourism

Europe closer to citizens

Integrated development in urban areas